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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

CareSearch palliative care knowledge network

CareSearch is a comprehensive resource portal designed to help healthcare professionals, caregivers, families and patients find information on palliative care.  The website is edited and reviewed by experts in the field and is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing. 
The website is organized by information hubs intended for different user groups.  There is an information hub for families, caregivers and individuals, an information hub for residential aged care (long-term care) professionals, an information hub for General Practioners, a nursing hub and several different hubs for allied health professionals.   
One of the features of CareSearch is the PubMed Saved Searches on Palliative Care and the Grey Literature database.  The links to PubMed saved searches allows for the immediate retrieval of current information on palliative care related topics.  Similarly the Grey Literature database collects conference proceedings, theses, reports and other forms of grey literature on palliative care related topics.

For more information and to visit the site, please go to

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