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Friday, April 19, 2013

Article of Interest: What, Why, and How Care Protocols are Implemented in Ontario Nursing Homes

Berta, W.; Ginsburg, L.; Gilbart, E.; Lemieux-Charles, L.; Davis, D. What, Why and How Care Protocols are Implemented in Ontario Nursing Homes. Can J Aging 32(1), epub.

This latest survey published in the recent Canadian Journal on Aging looks at the objectives of Ontario's Long-Term Care Homes when they are implementing new care protocols.  The study surveyed urban and rural long-term care facilities throughout the province, and asked what the priorities are when considering a new care protocol.  For example, was it important if it was evidence-based protocol or whether there was internal expertise.

For more information on the article please click on the link, or see the abstract below.


The aim of this study was to better understand care protocol implementation, including the influence of organizational-contextual factors on implementation approaches, in long-term care homes operating in Ontario. We surveyed directors of care employed in all 547 Ontario LTC homes, and combined survey data with secondary organizational data on rural/urban location, nursing home size, chain membership, type of ownership, and accreditation status. Motivations for the use/selection of care protocols in nursing homes primarily derived from beliefs in continuous improvement and in evidence-based care. Protocol selection was largely participative, involving management and staff. External information sources were important for protocol implementation, and in-service education was the chief means of training and educating staff. Significant differences in approaches to implementation were evident in association with differences in ownership. Three key success factors for implementation were identified: contextualizing the practice change, adequately resourcing for implementation, and demonstrating connections between practice change and outcomes.

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