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Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Alzheimer's Disease Family Caregiver Study Fact Sheet

This new survey released by the National Family Caregivers Association (NFCA) and Forest Laboratories, Inc. reveals what family caregivers fear most: first, their loved one's general health and physical decline, and second, the fear that Alzheimer's will take away their loved one's ability to communicate. Communication decline with their loved ones is not just a fear but a major source of stress, and also interferes with their ability to fulfill responsibilities/obligations as a caregiver.

Despite the stress associated with communicating, most caregivers surveyed adopted new ways to communicate with the person they care for (71 percent) and feel they have become better communicators themselves (76 percent). The most common alternative methods include observing facial expressions (84 percent) and body language (79 percent) and using pictures/photos (66 percent).

It is estimated that 5.4 million Americans have Alzheimer's disease and are being cared for by nearly 15 million unpaid caregivers -- including family, friends, partners and neighbors. Often the equivalent of a full-time job, 80 percent of at-home care for people with Alzheimer's or another dementia is provided by family caregivers.

Fact Sheet Download (286K PDF)
Tips to Communicate with Loved One (247K PDF)

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