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Wednesday, September 14, 2016

GPS Locator Devices for People with Dementia

From CADTH, an independent not-for-profit organization responsible for providing health care decision-makers with objective evidence to help make informed decisions about the optimal use of health technologies, this document provides evidence-based information on the technology, regulatory status, benefits, current developments and implementation issues associated with GPS locator devices.

Locator devices use GPS (global positioning system) that can help to promote safe walking by alerting caregivers when a person with dementia wanders outside of a designated area, and provide geographic coordinates of that person so they can be found more easily. However, locator devices are a form of surveillance and using them raises ethical and legal issues. People with dementia and their caregivers believe the potential benefits such as time and costs saved in search and rescue operations, and an increase in independence, autonomy and freedom may outweigh potential harms.

This resource can be accessed here:

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