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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

A Model to Guide Hospice Palliative Care: based on national principles and norms of practice

The Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association recently revised the report A Model to Guide Hospice Palliative Care: based on national principles and norms of practice.  Originally released in 2002, the report was intended to provide an example of hospice care that would ensure that all Canadians have access to consistent, high quality care that can relieve suffering and improve quality of life.  The 2013 version has the same intention, however it has been updated to better reflect current practice and experience.
The report has five sections:
1.       The underlying understanding of health and illness
2.        The definition of hospice palliative care and the values, principles and foundational concepts that drive all aspects of hospice palliative care
3.        A guide to the delivery of person and family-centred hospice palliative care to, including a conceptual framework – the “Square of Care” – which identifies:
·         The issues commonly faced by individuals and families during an illness;
·         The essential steps in the process of providing care;
·         The principles and norms of practice related to each step in the process of providing care
4.        A guide to organizational development and function, including a conceptual framework – the “Square of Organization” – which identifies:
·         The resources required to operate a hospice palliative care organization;
·         The principal functions of an organization;
·         The principles and norms of practice related to each aspect of organizational function
5.       Data Collection and Documentation

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