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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Non-pharmacological Interventions for Behavioral Symptoms of Dementia

In 2004, the U.S. Office of the Assistant Deputy Under Secretary for Health for Policy and Planning estimated that the total number of Veterans with dementia would be as high as 563,758 in FY 2010. The VHA Office of Geriatrics and Extended Care (OGEC) in Patient Care Services has primary responsibility for coordination and direction of VHA dementia initiatives. OGEC convened an interdisciplinary Dementia Steering Committee (DSC) in December 2006, with the goal of making recommendations on comprehensive, coordinated care for Veterans with dementia.

The DSC requested VA HSR&D's Evidence-based Synthesis Program (ESP) to review evidence on selected topics, in order to assist with DSC planning efforts. This evidence review addresses the following questions:
  1. How do non-pharmacological treatments of behavioral symptoms compare in effectiveness with each other, with pharmacological approaches, and with no treatment?
  2. How do non-pharmacological treatments of behavioral symptoms compare in safety with each other, with pharmacological approaches, and with no treatment?
  3. How do non-pharmacological treatments of behavioral symptoms compare in cost with each other, with pharmacological approaches, and with no treatment?

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