Local Government, Acute/ Mental/ Community Health, Residential Care, Dental and Disability Services were asked to provide a list of most commonly used words they needed to communicate on a daily basis.
A list of words used across the spectrum of health care services was developed. Agencies chose the languages for translation.
Community members with little or no English language chose the images that best represented the 200 plus words listed on the Cue Cards.
This resource is not to be used in lieu of accredited interpreters, but can be used by clients/carers to communicate simple needs such as hunger, thirst, or use of a telephone, and by professionals to indicate simple instructions/concepts.
Cards can be downloaded at the following link: http://www.easternhealth.org.au/language/cueCards/cards.asp
I can see this will be very useful in my multi-cultural facility. Thanks for posting about it.
Eleanor Feldman Barbera, PhD
What happened to the link. I have a chinese patient I wanted to use this with. I am so upset that I keep getting an error going to the page. I hope it is only temporary. I have been searching my links for about 1 1/2 hours :( Please let me know if you know this has been discontinued.
The link to the cue cards can be found below:
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