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Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Engaging Patients in Patient Safety – a Canadian Guide

In the past decade, evidence has shown that when healthcare providers work closely with patients and their families in program and service design and delivery, the healthcare system becomes safer and patients have better experiences and health outcomes.

Beginning in 2016, the Canadian Patient Safety Institute brought together patients, government and organizations responsible for improving patient safety and quality at the national or provincial level on an Action Team to help develop the guide “Engaging Patients in Patient Safety”.

This extensive resource, based on evidence and leading practices, helps patients and families, patient partners, providers and leaders work together more effectively to improve patient safety.

Working collaboratively, we can more proactively identify risks, better support those involved in an incident and help prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. Together we can shape safe, high-quality care delivery, co-design safer care systems and continuously improve to keep patients safe.

To access this resource, click here:

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